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BRK^tm Los Angeles

"Operating without a permit?" he asked, still trying to grasp it all.

"it's kind of like an inside joke that we have...well, me as PRGRM/vlkyr.1, and my host consciousness that is." she explained calmly.

"It's like our way of reasoning that one might do anything as long as they want and declare that they do not have a permit to do so aloud." she trailed off..."it makes it easier on our human side when rationalizing what is necessary."

They sped through the fading afternoon in the dark early 90s model Pontiac. He was distracted by every detail. If what she was saying was true, he only had minutes left.

He vaguely remembered the waivers he signed years ago, for a "neuro-cyber" implant. He had been part of a small population taken from special military programs,

they volunteered to be the hosts of an experimental AI receiver that was encrypted to accept frequencies from the future. what was it, what was the name?

"Citizen Architect or something.." he murmured, unsure. He couldn't remember, he had breezed through the forms and signed, more concerned with getting to the commissary.

"We don't have much time." she said, her tone however even, inferred urgency. "Hold on!"

He was jerked back into the present as she slammed on the brake and hit a left into the parking garage.

"Where the fuck are we going!?" he exclaimed, on the edge of shouting.

"The break-time is at the top of this garage. The closest point we can be to intercept the RTS signal." she explained. "If we miss it, you are useless to me."

He was still trying to process everything she told him after luring and snatching him up a few hours earlier. During his time in the Marine Corps he had volunteered for something called project GHVST 9. Long story short his implant was going to be activated on top of this parking garage in about 7 minutes and there was not much he could, or even wanted to do about it.

"So I guess this means I am joining the club?" he asked, a little stressed. is it going to hurt, is what he wanted to ask, but would not allow himself.

"I guess that's one way of looking at it." she answered, swiftly reversing the car into a space on the top deck of the garage. "Come on, we need to get over towards that staircase." she gestured as she ordered him out of the vehicle.

She had explained to him that in order for his program to download into his host consciousness his physical body must be within 3 meters of the RTS location. She also had to be present as the primary program, she served as the anchor of her teams' system. Once online he would come to understand everything he would need to know about their "mission" she kept referring to as ARCH (ARK) Minimal.

They both moved from the car and made their way to the edge of the garage roof near the stairwell.

They stood in silence. He paced back and forth, wandering nervously, taking in the view. she checked her watch, "44 seconds, any last questions?"

"Yeah," he said flatly, "who the fuck was trying to kill me?"

Her eyes met his, "Thats something that I am hoping you will be able to help me find out in roughly.." she glanced at her watch "9 more seconds".

He looked at her, slightly confused. The colors all started to bleed into a dark neon haze.

His vision went black.


CTZN^89 -The Archive

Our story is one of a child, an artist, an architect, a Citizen...and the entirety of humankind.

Our history, the history of the CTZN race, all started with the idea of The Citizen. 'The Citizen' namesake of the infamous artwork drawn by the hand of The Artist in BA 95 (Earth Year: 1989). The Artist was a man belonging to the last Generation of Human Men during the time of Humanity.1.

Our Archive is notated in RTS-code in his honor for being a contributor to the System created by The Architect.

The Architect was and still is a human during Humanity.1 timeline Before Andromeda, alive now BA 62 (Earth Year 2022).

The child is and was the target for PRGRM/vlkyr.1 during phases on both the BA and AE timelines under the Operation VRCH^mnml (ARC Minimal). Born in BA 93 (Earth Year 1991).

Humanity remains in existence both BA = 0 = AE as a result of the system created and maintained by the Architect, and CTZN^91 on both timelines.


Project GHVST 9 was the name given to a special projects team within the US military that operated between the years BA 74 - 70 (Earth Year 2010-2014). The Project fell under the department of the Navy, specifically within a unit of the Marine Corps. The team was headquartered in Southeast Asia for the duration of the project. They were active long enough to effectively train and test a number of potential hosts that could retain memory sufficient for reverse time sequencing, along with maintaining optimal physical stamina. This project was run on a volunteer basis and had strict requirements both physically, mentally, emotionally. The participants were made aware that their participation may never be required beyond their training phases during Humanity.1, however, if they should be activated, they would then be responsible for the security of the PRGRMS that maintain the integrity of time itself, the last remaining guardians of Humanity on the Integral Timeline BA.







"art is what you hide

nobody wanted me anymore

eventually you hit a kind of bottom

where nothing matters

and you realize everything you ever worried about

didn't really actually matter in the grand scheme of things

approval from others?

approval from a society I had no part in creating?

I have values that I could not find reflected in it

reality was/is/can and will be depressing

if you don't like it change it

so I built a new reality

it starts in the mind and it starts in the body

planting seeds for trees we will never sit in the shade of

it takes an idea

it takes an action

it takes a passion

it takes a reality to create a fiction

I am I was I always will be a scientist, an reverse engineer

I was am and always will be a fighter, a lover, an artist

I am a writer. I am an Astronaut.

We do what we must for the things that we love

the people, the places, the things

An artist once told me, "Son, you have that Agape Love."

He told me what it meant then

but I did not understand

I woke up a few Yesterdays ago

Now it all makes sense

In the way that we love

I have a love for the art and act of Humanity.

So I wish to preserve it for just that

The Humanity.

Mine is not a new type of Romance

I dream and wish and work

one cold rose gold thread at a time

pulling on a system of networks

weaving a story

on a digital canvas

spilling blood of what I hide

because part of me was made for violence

I was am and always will be 'Human"

I will keep cutting my line

to save you.

I Am The Architect."



"Makes sense why its PRGRM/rchtct.7 and not PRGRM/rchtct.1" he said sarcastically, as he came to.

she pulled him up by his shirt, shaking him, "okay, okay, time to go, the uplink finished, if we're not out of here soon we are going to have some company."

He was discombobulated. Everything looked the same, yet somehow very different. It was like looking at a computer monitor and seeing the screen in dark mode along with regular settings simultaneously.

He was experiencing what she had described as a VPLNK (uplink) sickness. The PRGRM/ghvst.9 CTZN consciousness was being processed in reverse through time into the receiver the military had implanted into him years ago. He was reeling.

"there's, there's so much at once hold on," he gasped, as he rolled over on all fours and attempted to stand.

"We don't have time for this!" she shouted, grabbing him by the arm and dragging him to eye level. "let's go."

He stumbled alongside her as they made their way back towards the Pontiac. As he gained balance and momentum, she continued past the vehicle.

"Where the fuck are we going now?" he huffed, exasperated. "I thought you said,."

His question was answered before he finished his thought. His scanning sensor was now online, he saw the second vehicle located on the first level, marked with H.2 TGS Nav Systems.

"Did somebody finally join the party?" she teased, they fell into the stairwell and descended swiftly.

He reached forward as she instinctively handed him the keys to the white mid 80s Camaro.

"Welcome to Humanity am I right?" he grinned ear to ear. "Always wanted to drive one of these things."

"A Camaro?" she mocked, inquisitively.

"No, A Guy Named Gerry" he said, deadpan as they made eye contact across the hood.

"I see Sequencing hasn't changed you much." she said as she dropped into the passenger side. "You are going to want to take the side exit."

"Just say where I can handle the rest." He offered; his peripherals pulsed with waves of information. He could see the topographical maps of the surrounding area, traffic pattern flow fed to information and control centers.

His Program was developed for the Security of PRGRM/vlkyr.1 and the Architect during Operation RCH^mnml. The VPLNK sickness was wearing off, he felt the sync between his human consciousness and that of the CTZN hybrid. TINGLY

"How do you feel about Kansas?" she searched his face for a human reaction.

Without missing a beat he cocked his head to the side with an all to familiar smirk "Well Dorothy, whatever in the hell is in Kansas?!"

She felt herself nearly smile. "We have a Break window coming up soon. Its not Time Critical, but it never hurts to be prepared"

He maneuvered the car out of the garage and took the side exit, turning left to join the main road and avoiding the dark SUV on the corner. They had lost it somewhere in the Hills before the BRK^tm. He scanned the vic, remaining calm despite a sinking feeling in his host body. There was something inside, but no part of it was human.

They disappeared back into traffic undetected by whatever it was. It continued to hunt for the dark Pontiac as they slid further into the city in the light Camaro to regroup. They needed to find a dense area to disrupt any signals. They had both picked up the same signal coming from the SUV, although no human consciousness was present, it had the unique signature known only to Ghvst programs.

Only a matter of time before PRGRM/rchtct.7 updated the Archive after their encounter and sent guidance from H.2.



some thought sending us back was a bad idea. immoral. unfair.

we were on a suicide mission. we could never return to H.2. (debatable)

what does "inhumane" even mean for a hybrid?

others were envious

We had the chance to participate in the human experience.

It was something understood by CTZNs of H.2 conceptually,

however, the opportunity to be sent back..

Our programs would still exist in H.2 and go back online fully once

out life-cyles had played out for the duration of the operation.. optimally

We were uploaded, sent back, plugged in.

Down the rabbit hole.

However you wanted to say it, we were going on an adventure.

A severely fucked adventure.

That was life.

Fuck it, lets break time




  • @ctzn91

©2021-2023 CTZN 91

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